Head over to your booth and click the “Marketplace Manager” tab and then click “create a new product.”


Next, you will be able to fill out all the necessary information about your listing and upload photos and videos for users to view.


  1. Enter your product title here. Remember: any words in the title will be searchable via the keyword search tool – so don’t be afraid to be specific!
  2. Brief description about what your product does and why it is so awesome.
  3. Select the categories that apply to your product. Remember: These categories may be limited to how many tags can be selected.
  4. Enter the top three features that set your product apart from the rest!
  5. Enter your target market and what kind of customers this product is designed for.
  6. Enter the price range of the product and/or service here. If you do not want to show a price range in your listing, leave this section blank and the field will not be shown.
  7. Here’s where you can let your inner salesperson do all the talking and give a longer, more in-depth description of what you are listing.
  8. Upload the cover photo for this product from your file explorer. The picture that you add to this section will become the main picture of the product that will be seen from Marketplace, so make it a good one! You will have the option to add more photos and videos later. NOTE: The file upload is limited to the following format: Images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg) Video (.mp4)
  9. Review your product listing descriptions and click “add product” when you’re ready.

Once you click “add product, the page will reload, and you will see it appear here. If you do not see the cover photo you selected next to the title right away, refresh your page and it should appear. Click on the crayon button to add more photos and videos to your listing.


From here, you will be brought back to the listing page but the save button below will now be "update product" instead of "add product."
